Posted by :
*Cheat_Game_All in_One*
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Here are some enhancements in 2010 Rev. SmadAV. 8.2 : 8.2:
- Addition of a new virus database 80
- Addition of heuristic techniques for virus variants infeksi exe
- Improvement of Inter-Process Communication SmaRTP 0
- Improved false alarm on U3 flash
- Change update method
Excess SmadAV Pro?
Update Otomatis Online Online Automatic Update
SmadAV Pro can perform an automatic update with no internet connection each new revision. SmadAV will install new revisions automatically without user command. Berbeda dengan Smadav Free, Unlike SmadAV Free, you still have to perform the update manually by downloading the new revision in and open the program first SmadAV to update SmadAV on your computer.
Scanning 10x Lebih Cepat Scanning 10x Faster
Smad-Turbo is the fastest antivirus scanning feature in the world that belongs only SmadAV. If with your Free SmadAV takes 20 minutes to scan the entire contents of computer files, using these features you only need to take about 1-2 minutes to scan the entire contents of the file on your computer. So, Scanning SmadAV Pro 10x faster than SmadAV Free.
Exception List Exception List
SmadAV Exception List Pro has a feature that allows you to ignore (ignore) scanning on a file, folder, or a specific registry that you consider safe and should be ignored. After a file, folder, or registry added to the Exception List, then he will be ignored and will no longer be detected by SmadAV as a virus.
Maximize/Resize Tampilan Maximize / Resize Views
If you feel that views SmadAV still less extensive, you can click the Maximize button or by changing (resize) SmadAV size manually. Or if you feel SmadAV view is too large, you can click the Hide Panel that will automatically create SmadAV became smaller by eliminating the right panel.
Mengganti Warna Tema Changing Theme Colors
SmadAV Pro has the ability to change the color theme is green, initially SmadAV into your chosen color. In the setting of color themes you can find your own color choices for a theme SmadAV. After you change the color theme, the colors of all the display will automatically turn into SmadAV color of your choice.
Bahasa Indonesia/Inggris Indonesian / English
SmadAV Pro has two language options (Indonesian & English). You can chooseenglish if you find it easier to use English as primary language for SmadAV.
Izin Penggunaan Profit Use Permit Profit
SmadAV Free version only allowed for non-profits such as computer / personal laptop at home or non-profit organization. While the Pro version is used to SmadAV SmadAV donors or institutions profit organizations (companies, internet cafe, shop, rentals, computer services, studio, etc..)
Admin Password
If you are an Admin on a computer network (such as cafes, companies, etc..), We recommend limiting the use SmadAV by adding a password to access the full features SmadAV. Users can still do the scanning and cleaning of viruses but will not be able to access the quarantine feature, updates, tools, and settings have a password on Admin SmadAV unless you have the settings.
smadav pro to be able to use it must have a User and Password please try the user and password below
Key Aktivation Smadav 8.2 Pro :
User : remoxp
Key : 995299664242
If you can not enter the Keys try it here
In Indonesia........ "
Klik pada kolom nama.....pada registrasi SMADAV.....dengan nama "anti-pembajakan" tanpa tanda kutip...
ENTER.....muncul dialog....(tandanya sudah berhasil)
lalu download KEYnya disini.........
ekstrak......klau sudah....COPAS username dan pass-nya di SMADAV registrasi
.....................BERHASIL ^_^
In Indonesia........ "
Klik pada kolom nama.....pada registrasi SMADAV.....dengan nama "anti-pembajakan" tanpa tanda kutip...
ENTER.....muncul dialog....(tandanya sudah berhasil)
lalu download KEYnya disini.........
ekstrak......klau sudah....COPAS username dan pass-nya di SMADAV registrasi
.....................BERHASIL ^_^