Posted by :
*Cheat_Game_All in_One*
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Well ya, mereka diubah dengan komputer.
Here is a step by step tutorial about how to reproduce a chipmunk's voice or Fred's. Berikut ini adalah tutorial langkah demi langkah tentang bagaimana untuk mereproduksi suara chipmunk atau Fred.
- Get a song Dapatkan lagu
- Download audacity for free here: (PC Linux and Mac version available) Download keberanian gratis di sini: (PC Linux dan versi Mac tersedia)
- Import the song to audacity, you can drag and drop it or go to File, Open… Impor lagu untuk keberanian, Anda dapat drag dan drop atau buka File, Open ...
- Click on Edit, Select, All (Ctrl + A) Klik Edit, Pilih, Semua (Ctrl + A)
- Click on Effect, Change Pitch… Klik Pengaruh, Ubah Pitch ...
- Now here's the fun part, make the “Percent Change” to 100.00 and leave the rest as it is. Sekarang inilah bagian yang menyenangkan, membuat "Persen Perubahan" menjadi 100,00 dan meninggalkan sisanya seperti itu.
- Click on OK Klik OK
Well ya, mereka diubah dengan komputer.
Here is a step by step tutorial about how to reproduce a chipmunk's voice or Fred's. Berikut ini adalah tutorial langkah demi langkah tentang bagaimana untuk mereproduksi suara chipmunk atau Fred.
Here is a step by step tutorial about how to reproduce a chipmunk's voice or Fred's. Berikut ini adalah tutorial langkah demi langkah tentang bagaimana untuk mereproduksi suara chipmunk atau Fred.
- Get a song Dapatkan lagu
- Download audacity for free here: (PC Linux and Mac version available) Download keberanian gratis di sini: (PC Linux dan versi Mac tersedia)
- Import the song to audacity, you can drag and drop it or go to File, Open… Impor lagu untuk keberanian, Anda dapat drag dan drop atau buka File, Open ...
- Click on Edit, Select, All (Ctrl + A) Klik Edit, Pilih, Semua (Ctrl + A)
- Click on Effect, Change Pitch… Klik Pengaruh, Ubah Pitch ...
- Now here's the fun part, make the “Percent Change” to 100.00 and leave the rest as it is. Sekarang inilah bagian yang menyenangkan, membuat "Persen Perubahan" menjadi 100,00 dan meninggalkan sisanya seperti itu.
- Click on OK Klik OK
1. Download Audacity
2. Download the LAME MP3 encoder from the Audacity download page.
3. Depending on your operating system: do the following steps:
1. Go to the LAME download page.
2. Under “For Audacity on Windows”, left-click on the link “” and save the zip folder to anywhere on your computer.
3. When you have finished downloading the ZIP folder, unzip it and save the file lame_enc.dll that it contains to anywhere on your computer.
4. The first time you use the “Export as MP3″ command, Audacity will ask you where lame_enc.dll is saved.
5. In case of difficulty, please view our more detailed instructions on the Audacity Wiki.
Mac OS 9 or X
1. Go to the LAME download page.
2. Click to download either “Lame Library
v3.98.2 for Audacity on OSX.dmg” or “LameLib-Carbon.sit”, according to your operating system.
3. Double-click the .dmg to extract “Lame Library v3.98.2 for Audacity on OSX.pkg” to Finder, or use Stuffit to extract “LameLib” from the .sit (either of these may happen automatically).
4. Double-click the .pkg to install “libmp3lame.dylib” in /usr/local/lib/audacity, or save “LameLib” anywhere on your computer.
5. The first time you use the “Export as MP3″ command, Audacity will ask you where libmp3lame.dylib or LameLib is saved.